September 29, 2009


Would you opt to go to class and have the scheduled quiz despite the non-stop rain or would you opt to stay at home, be safe but miss the quiz?

In the middle of Gender Issues, our surprised classmate broke the news that our college building was already flooded. We got unruffled calmness from our professor who went on lecturing his (more or less) 40 troubled students.

It was a matter of deciding and sticking to that decision in the coming hours. Some of our classmates braved the continuously rising flood just to get home but some stayed inside the building to hopefully wait for the rain to stop and the flood to subside. I, unconsciously, stayed inside our building. I was really thinking of going home but a lot were saying that streets outside our University were impassable and devastatingly flooded. So I stayed...

...wait. My story can wait. Changed my mind. I'll thank people first:

! Thank you Commerce students for giving out free bottled water. It was the first thing that we got in our stay.
! Thank you Marice for letting us 'live' at Tan Yan Kee. Taking care everyone plus updating us every hour. You're one tough woman! I hope you and your family are doing fine in Rizal.
! Thank you SOCC for the support, the food and the assistance. All of you stood as our parents who stayed awake for more than 24 hours just to know that every student were safe and sound.
! Thank you Doy & ABSC. I saw your huge effort in taking care of the Arts and Letters' teachers and students who were stranded at the AB/Commerce Building.
! Thank you Manong Guard, Ate and Kuya. I may not know your names but I know your faces. You're all heroes.
! Thank You Bigtime! My 4CA1 CLASSMATES..who weren't stranded and safe at home but still updated us if we're doing fine. Thank you. My 4CA1 Co-Tan Yan Kee Survivors (plus Joyce!) who became a good and absolutely fun company. We stayed together and we made the most out of our not-so-good condition. The white round table will always be our table. Always! Haha.

[7:00 pm - In front of Tan Yan Kee, a van was slowly being submerged. This served as our flood ruler! 'If the flood went below the plate number, we can leave and go home.' Joke lang! Mataas pa rin!]

[My literally crappy noodles. Nagmuka na ngang alambre, naglasang donut pa. I'm the Best Instant Noodle Maker in the history of Noodle Making! \m/]

I like this picture because it shows our tightness despite everything. NOT. LOL. We're just playing cards. Cards made out of the school's official paper. XD (Thanks for the improv Glenda! And all the photos were grabbed from her.)

September 28, 2009

It Breaks My Heart

I thought I was living one of the worst life when I was stranded:

! I had to be barefoot inside the building the whole time since my shoes were wet.
! I had to eat my..noodles, if that's how you call it when you saw how mine was cooked. Well, twas my fault anyway.
! Around 8 pm, I decided to take my school pants off to dry it and ease the uneasiness. I was left wearing boxers so I was limited with my legwork. One wrong move and my balls would make an inappropriate scandal.
! I badly missed Toby, our dog.
! I had to sleep on the cold hard floor. No, scratch that. I had to not sleep since I was wearing my contact lens and I didn't have my solution and caps with me. It's hard to fight Optimusleep if you're really dead beat but I surprisingly slept for 3 hours. My lens were dried and glued on both my eyes.
! Woke up 5 am and I was coughing like there's no tomorrow but I had to suck it up. One cough and it echoes through the whole 2nd floor. Everyone was sleeping so I had to cough like a dwarf. That was the toughest.
! Equal cramps on both my arms because I had an abnormal sleeping position. Like I just had 60,000 push ups.
! I had to not eat breakfast because there was a Pacquiao match inside my stomach.
! I was barefoot going out of the building to Adie's car then from the car to 7eleven to buy freaking wrong sized slippers.

When I went home, I tweeted 'my eyes are void of rest..throat still hurts and cough got worse'

But it was only then when I saw and heard the news.

It was nothing compared to my experience. I was fortunate enough.


(LRT2 V. Mapa Station. Dear SM Centerpoint, you're just beside this. I hope you're okay now. Same to the 2 guys there.)

(My heart, she saved her rosaries and Mama Mary. God bless her.)

Gahd. One man can barely be seen. And dogs..poor dogs. Helpless and can't shout for food nor aid.

iPray for my country.

September 27, 2009


September 26, 09 (Saturday morning) til September 27, 09 (Lunchtime):

I was stranded at Tan Yan Kee because of the flood that Typhoon Ondoy caused.


I never knew what was happening outside the University, around the Metro. It was really worse and I felt more fortunate that I was stranded in a school building. Good thing there's SOCC and a few coordinators. But to be stranded at home could've been better. Really. XD

September 20, 2009

500 Days Of Summer

'..this is a story of boy meets girl, but you should know upfront, this is not a love story. '

It's witty, it's funny, it's fun and it's very human..bitch.

Nice. Even though the author said that it was a work of fiction, the movie felt like it just happened a year ago and Tom was the writer. The expectations and reality and the thin line that divides the two was a good concept. Even the musical scoring exudes good taste.

[I thought Summer refers to season. How can you fit 500 days in just one season?]

Well, she looks like Katy Perry. Hmmmmmmm.

Autumn was a bad move. Tsk.

Narrator: Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin, and they end, with no lasting memories made in between. Most days have no impact on the course of a life. May 23 was a Wednesday.

Tom: I don't know how to say this, but there's a Chinese family in our bathroom.

Vance: [reading one of Tom's cards] Roses are red, violets are blue...fuck you whore.

"The coolest romantic comedy of the year!"

Right on.

Dead For 3 Days?

Feels like half a century.

My internet service provider was having a bad week and was feeling overused so he/she/it retaliated by not letting me connect to the time-consuming wide world of webs. It was 3 freaking internet-less days. I felt troubled.

September 16, 2009


This greeted me yesterday:

Initial reaction: 'Wow. New theme for Twitter. Easy on the eyes. :)'

[Bad photo baked using Print screen, Paint and Poor editing skillz]

I realized, after an hour, that maybe I was being subjective because there was the presence of clouds. Cool blue clouds.

I have a thing for clouds (not sexually). I just really like to look up in the sky.

One awesome experience:
  • Summer season
  • School ground
  • Sun shining bright
  • 10 in the morning
  • Under the tree
  • I, doing the Indian sit, was talking with my friend (who also had the same sitting position)
..and then I decided to lie down. That very moment where my head felt the ground was glorious. I flawlessly saw the sight of authentic blue clouds and it was so surreal and heavenly. Then there was the presence of comforting breeze. Perfecto!

Something like this:

Only, this isn't my feet and this belongs to Tumblr, again.

And again. :)

September 15, 2009

It's Official!

My teeth are now fully wired. Silver bling-bling from up-down left-right. Much pressure and pain on the lower left. =|


I'm a dim-witted klutz. Boo those bruises (slipped in our in my right ankle and one in my right shoulder), scratches (in my left knee..from the keyboard sliding case), and minor random abrasions. Plus! At the photocopy store, I was standing on a corner (roughly few inches away from my 2 classmates) and I dreadfully found a generating anthill right smack in my left shoe. EPIC FAIL.


(Credit: fuckyeahchristmas' tumblr!)

100 days til Christmas! Starbuck's Season [for me & my brother] too!

September 12, 2009

Come On Get Higher

I miss the sound of your voice
And I miss the rush of your skin
And I miss the still of the silence

I really do.

On a surprising note, my parents asked me to sleep early starting today. It is the first time that they ask me to do something so I must follow. 19 virginal years of parental instruction. Whew!

September 9, 2009

Forgetting A Dream & Remembering A Discussion

Exhibit A : Dream

Dreams are made up of magic & confusion. You'll never know what you will get. Sometimes, it's one happy dream but there are times that you would want to slice your head off from your neck just to forget that dream.

There was this incident last summer which was forgettable. A simple 'Yow!' from a friend, crumpling a receipt, lying down flashing channels randomly. Like that. No special meaning included..not even an evening park with your girlfriend surrounded with green lamps and her favorite ice cream stand. BUT! Dreams can be tricky. It can bend that one forgettable incident, go further with twisting the story and make it unforgettable that you swear you'll give the equal share of food to your brother just to have that hard-earned ability to forget.

It was a mix of incidents in the past (a debut place, 1 close friend, 2 classmates & that random person last summer) mashed up on that one white wall incident. Absofuckinlutely horrible.
Delete x 9000000000 = Make Me Happy!

Exhibit B : Discussion

Focus group discussions are always memorable no matter what. Even if I stumbled with my opening speech, even if I said a 'word' which shouldn't be said and even if I reaped a low grade (Did I? I hope not.)..there's always a special spot right here in my mini memory.

* My hilarious seatmate was talking a bit uncontrollably but it's fine. Coz its damn funneeehhh! Almost bumped my head on the table while laughing.

* One mate couldn't stop whining about a problem. Hmmm..yeah, I know the feeling and I know the feeling of whining non-stop. Continue..

* A couple disguised as non-couple because they have to. Sheeeeer genius! I was taken aback, in a what-the-f-are-you-two-doing-when-you-just-met-an-hour-or-2-hours-ago manner, when they held hands going out of the building. They explained and everything went fine. Oh yeah, I was easy but I got you with my 'Guys, let's change topic!' gag. LOL. Classic.

I like the girl and I was planning to get her number...

I just took two steps forward..and then reviewed my Film Theory paper.

September 8, 2009


Surfing the waves [in the rain] is part of Mi Bucket List.

Oddly, I bumped into an article with the title '10 ways to be happier.' WTH am I doing there?

I'll share some that needs highlighting.

[By Gretchen Rubin]

Don’t start with profundities.
When I began my Happiness Project, I realized pretty quickly that, rather than jumping in with lengthy daily meditation or answering deep questions of self-identity, I should start with the basics, like going to sleep at a decent hour and not letting myself get too hungry. Science backs this up; these two factors have a big impact on happiness.

Superman: Bulls eye!

2. Do let the sun go down on anger.
I had always scrupulously aired every irritation as soon as possible, to make sure I vented all bad feelings before bedtime. Studies show, however, that the notion of anger catharsis is poppycock. Expressing anger related to minor, fleeting annoyances just amplifies bad feelings, while not expressing anger often allows it to dissipate.

Superman: That's the KEY!? Should've known earlier. I'll be dismissing less stuff from now on. Or maybe starting next week.

9. Stop nagging. [Mom, listen to this.]

I knew my nagging wasn’t working particularly well, but I figured that if I stopped, my husband would never do a thing around the house. Wrong. If anything, more work got done. Plus, I got a surprisingly big happiness boost from quitting nagging. I hadn’t realized how shrewish and angry I had felt as a result of speaking like that. I replaced nagging with the following persuasive tools: wordless hints (for example, leaving a new lightbulb on the counter); using just one word (saying “Milk!” instead of talking on and on); not insisting that something be done on my schedule; and, most effective of all, doing a task myself. Why did I get to set the assignments?

Superman: Follow the one word rule, mother. Thank you.

For the full text: Prepare for a cute pup!

September 7, 2009

'You don't talk very much. I like you!'

I was planning to back it up with G.I. Joe or anything random in the internet but time is running and I was going for gluttony instead of sloth. The result would be no different anyway.

Antz (1992? 93?)
This is ancient. If it wasn't a prerequisite for my Film Theory class, no won't watch. But I did! It's a requirement, it's animated and I'm an acting student. Very hard. The movie showered me with gazillion of similar-acting ants. And a single ant struggling in every aspect of his life. Poor ant..but thou shall not fret, he gets a fictional ending. Jennifer Lopez = Sexy Voice!

Bala: Don't you get it? I was slumming it. I chose you because you were the most pathetic little bug in the joint.
Z: You know, I was going to let you become a part of my most erotic fantasies, but now you can just write it off.

Up (2009!)
My level of excitement before watching this went from high to low to 36 story high building to six feet under. Almost gave up watching this movie.

An old grumpy man, a chatterbox kid, a talking pointing dog, and a chocolate-loving bird all, physically and metaphorically, tied with a huge house which is then tied with scenically beautiful balloons. Go from giddy then laughing then partial bawling then one sunny day then ROTFL then Awww is a mix of animated fun!

Russell, the chatterbox kid, is my kind of character!

Russell: Can I tell you a secret?
Mr. Fredricksen: No.
Russell: Alright, here it goes. *tells the secret*

He's one ball of comic energy! Maybe I wanted to see myself in him. Maybe.

Mr. Fredricksen: Do you want to play a game? It's called See Who Can Go the Longest Without Saying Anything.
Russell: Cool! My mom loves that game!

I love the movie. 9.8 /10!

'Thanks for the adventure. Now go have a new one!"


Publicly Private

Don't you just like oxymora? I pretty much do.

(from fuckyeahhappy's tumblr)

I look like the baby's costume.
Huge Floppy Brown Ears: Check!
Small Round Black Eyes: Check!
Odd Nostrils: Hmmm..okay, check!

I'm hiding [further] to the world. Changed my primary photos in my accounts..because I look horrible. I don't want to fool anyone having a Renaissance Man as my upper left image. So yeah. LOL


September 6, 2009


Diet myself with Twitter + Facebook. Someone is telling me to do so: my messed up conscience.

Hits & misses starting from the freshest

! 2 hours of sleep for 30 minutes of reporting, jumping hour of errands, cool hours of waiting and many hours of s[h]itting & partying discreetly.

! Luau Party combined with the right drinks, slapsticks, good food, party beats, 'rainfall-[lol]' and a ticking clock not suited for our age. Weather was awesome.

! No contact lens = Less sins. Less sins < Grave sins. Grave sins = No, can't tell.

! Montage is not a hotel nor a motel. It can be if I want to.

! Photography mayhem. What happened with the shots?

Tumblr kicks ass! \m/

September 2, 2009


Since this day is special, I deserve a space here.

I want to thank my family & friends for all the greetings. Twas heartfelt. Same with my replies.
And God for the 20 years of my existence. Thank you for constantly reminding me your reminders. Sorry, makulit lang.

Almost ending my day but I bumped into a news regarding someone's death. A film critic and her girlfriend were shot dead in QC home.

"The Letter I Would Love To Read To You In Person."

Next: Retreat Letter. I will start writing you before clock strikes 12.

Happy Birthday to me!

September 1, 2009

Pool Parteeeh

Thank you Guys. From the bottom of my balls and heart.

Even though I celebrated earlier and shared a celebration with an original birthday celebrant [LOL]..THANK YOU!

Me and my tummy are both happy! I ate like a pig, I was a pig..a handsome one. I couldn't stop eating today. I don't know why. I think I just really love Fettucine ala Tan or I just love it in general..and salad and chicken and drinks and booze!

[No, this is not us. We're not simpson-ly yellow. Found this randomly in Yahoo! I just want a photo in this post.]

Me-Me-Me Major Diarrhea! ;]