Officially, it hasn't ended yet but I am concluding that the last part was TOXIC. Toxhit. Not talkshit. Just bigtime toxic.
I passed my own hard exam regarding my '19 to-do-shiznits before turning 20' and I really freakin' cheatless pass. Because of the bonus. Without the bonus, I still pass! Silly. 10 out of 19. Woohoo! I want to strip butt naked and run around in Gateway then ride the MRT and go to Glorietta! And shout: 'F you all shoppers! This is my proof that I'm teenager no more. Suck my d*ck!' Mature enough.
Not successful with the getting hardcore drunk to the point where I wake up and I wouldn't remember anything. Tsk. I want to really really experience that. I've been drunk a lot of times and all I got was a hardcore headache. [ is playing Boys Like Girls' Love Drunk. *facepalm*] Booze keeps my eyes wide awake and coffee makes me heavy-eyed. I am NOT kidding. I even share the same abnormality with my professor.
(This should be another blog but whatever.)
Don't Hate, Appreciate:
I was able to watch, illegally-pirated-downloaded, 3 films.
'The Hangover'
S.T.: Hangover the Musical
This is a wacky movie. There were just a lot of background music which suddenly pop out. Around 2 or 3. Good thing: the music used were 2009-ish.
Alan Garner: Haha! Drivin' drunk. Classic.
'I Love You, Man'
S.T.: I Love You, Manwhore
Quite witty. Funny. I like the name of the dog. It was so memorable that I forgot. I remember the face though.
Sydney Fife: Good. Now gently remove your tampon and try again.
'X-Men Origins: Wolverine'
S.T.: X-Men Origins: Die! *Roar* Dieeee!
Everyone just dies. But I absolutely like the action scenes. MOOOREEE! Midget Logan always gets the hot chicks. Boo.
Logan: My whole life I felt like an animal. Then she came along.
Clark Kent: *Bursts into laughter*
Cool movies.
August 31, 2009
August 29, 2009
The Ugly Truth
I look like a doorknob. Kidding! I really look like a doormat.
I even feel that our dog can magnet a handful of chicks compared to me. Fcuk those puppy eyes. You can only act cute. No other skillz. That's it, dawg. And don't even bother showing your pink puppy belly or I'll go and vulnerably rub it..and waste my time rubbing it some more.
Yes, this sentiment for the past few months and I sense that I will have the same sentiment in the coming months or worse, years.
RT: I look like shit. I act like one.
Culprit: IMSheet (There's a lot of sh*t in here already, shit!) & Facebook & It keeps on poppin'!
Bright side: Where?
Forced bright side: My neck is stiffed. My eyes are cuffed.
Theme on Wednesday: 20 & Ugly.
An hour ago, I was gluttonously eating Pata. And I mean really yummy crispy Pata. The punishment was quick as I accidentally swallowed one of my effin' bracket. Well, good luck with digestion. Make me poo silver shit.
I even feel that our dog can magnet a handful of chicks compared to me. Fcuk those puppy eyes. You can only act cute. No other skillz. That's it, dawg. And don't even bother showing your pink puppy belly or I'll go and vulnerably rub it..and waste my time rubbing it some more.
Yes, this sentiment for the past few months and I sense that I will have the same sentiment in the coming months or worse, years.
RT: I look like shit. I act like one.
Culprit: IMSheet (There's a lot of sh*t in here already, shit!) & Facebook & It keeps on poppin'!
Bright side: Where?
Forced bright side: My neck is stiffed. My eyes are cuffed.
Theme on Wednesday: 20 & Ugly.
An hour ago, I was gluttonously eating Pata. And I mean really yummy crispy Pata. The punishment was quick as I accidentally swallowed one of my effin' bracket. Well, good luck with digestion. Make me poo silver shit.
August 20, 2009
But I need to write this
I've never written a full detail of a single day here because..I don't. But this is a boring exception so just go to Twitter or Facebook or even Tumblr!
Today = freakin' roller coaster kind of day.
I woke up 15 minutes before 9 am for my 10 am exam so the rush inside the house was unexplainable. I woke my mom and said, in a R2D2 way, 'I'm late.' She was quick in getting the thought and prepared whatever she needs to prepare. But I'm already prepared, a little. I just reminded her about 'the stuff' that we need to donate for our M&F Class.
25 minutes before 10 am, I was flipping through bundles of paper and balancing myself in a wobbly train. Argh. Headache. Goods of marriage. Fudge. Who's the other writer? Wait. I think I know that person near the sliding door. School Station. Run!
Good. That was fast..I'm feeling dizzy. I came, in the middle of a discussion, 5-10 minutes late.
Superman: Recitation?
Seatmate 1: Yes, no more exams.
Seatmate 2: Postponed.
Superman: Really? Nice. Thank Go..
Teacher: We'll have the exam around 10:30 so let's do this fast.
The exam was fine. If I was given a little more time to review, I could've ace it.
Little Voice: That's always your excuse! Fcuk you! You never learn!
With my co-officers slash 2 classmates, we rushed to the other building for the preparation of an Organization's General Assembly..and for rehearsing a dance. GAH. Great. The venue was so cold, I could live there forever. Weak spot: Place me somewhere cold or really chilly and I'll be yours forever. Or maybe not.
Lunchtime: Going out of the building was horrible! The sun was 12 inches away from us. I feel like I was a Roasted Chicken. C'mon, bite me!
*Tab shift: Facebook. ACCEPTED! Smiles widely*
The program started around 2 am, 1 hour short. There was..well, a few people. Yeeee- Not. Happiness was short lived.
Lo and behold as minutes started to pile up and so are the spectators. I'm losing the sight of empty seats. Pressure! I DON'T dance (ANYMORE) and I'll just make a fool out of myself. 101% sure. I just went out of the large room to breath, share jokes and talk non-stop. I do this when I'm nervous. I'm happy and I'm smiling because I feel something special about. END.
"I want to say sorry to all the people outside the room. I was a funny/non-funny chatterbox and I was tensed. I kept on joking and joking and joking [Repeat until 3:30 pm]."
I changed my uniform into my long-sleeved semi-formal dancing Taiwanese/Japanese/Whatevernese look. Whatever look I was aiming for..bulls eye! High5! Then I wait. Practice. Wait. Not yet? Practice some more. 'Get inside!' I was laughing on what was happening in the middle of the room. Hilarious.
'So for our next portion, our organization prepared something something...."
Heart beats 9157829178 times per second. Whew! Time to unshine!
Superman: GUYS, LET'S DO THIS!
I danced. We danced. Blah. I acted. We acted. At least, I've been part of the F4. LOL The messy part within the group. :))
I, with my bag, rushed outside exactly after my part. I fled the building then to the wobbly and steamy train. Argh. Sweat, sweat and more sweat. My feet was aching and I feel like shit so I went home first.
BTW: The only food that I ate, as of 5:00 pm were 1 fries, 1 sundae, 1 banana. 2 gulps of water? [My rule: Do not eat before performing/hosting/bluffing. If the event is at midnight..then do not eat the whole day! Scary Rule.]
Headache. I took a bath and changed. Rest for a few minutes and said unnoticeably to my mom: "This polo is cool but I had a hard time fixing this part right here. A girl in the org helped me with this. She was cute and she was Chi-" WTH. WHAT DID I JUST SAY? I was never open to my Mom with this kind of stuff. So yeah, that was a little awkward. Packed my lunch and a few chips then off I go to my friend's house to celebrate in advance another friend's birthday and to look forward to eating my late lunch.
Stuffed train: I even bumped to the girl in front of me. Just so you know, I didn't mean it. Breezy space shuttle in the form of a tricycle. That was fast don't have change for a hundred? I was crazy for saying that so the driver punched me in the head. Of course not.
The familiar music room was heavenly. My friends were in a you-guys-look-like-past-drunk-but-really-mellow state. They were kind of different. Rowdy was nowhere to be found but the state was cool. I'm already in the cooling down stage. Thank you God. I ate rice for the first time in this day (6:00 pm). Then chips and cake. A cup of beer? What was that that you let me drink? Grape juice mix with..? Then watched television because our Chinese friend = the biggest fan of the ending Korean? version of F4. YES! IT DIDN'T STOP. EVEN IN MY FRIEND'S PLACE: F4 WANTED ME TO LEARN THEIR WAYS IN A WE'LL-NEVER-LEAVE-YOU-UNTIL-YOU-LEARN-OUR-MUSIC-OR-CULTURE-OR-WHATEVER-STUFF-YOU-NEED-TO-LEARN WAY! No, I'm Canadian. Dig it!
A few left so I was with buddy 6 and the owner of the house as we drank 1 bottle of..I forgot. It was not beer but it tasted like Robitussin. Spell check! We watched her debut and I was her last dance..those were the days where I had a bigtime crush on her. I don't care on what I'm writing anymore. I'm just thankful because I was her last dance. Seeing myself, I wanted a rewind. No, not in tv but in reality. But there's no remote. You are so selfish Adam Sandler!
We went home with a tummy ache and a bit skeptical cause we still have an invitation to drink. Another common friend is celebrating in Katipunan! (Actually, my org is also celebrating for the success of the EspaƱa!) To go or not to go? Message sent! We didn't. We were tired, I was really really tired and it's almost 10 pm. I was alone after the main station in the fine train. After 3 train rides, the 4th and last ride was..I have no more adjectives..hmmm..but it was thought-provoking, delightful and just fine. There, I still have a few.
This is my most vulnerable and longest shiznit in this journal. I really feel that this day is significant. Reason?
GUT FEEL! LOL I still don't know..but I will read this again after a few days/weeks and hopefully, I would know.
Today = freakin' roller coaster kind of day.
I woke up 15 minutes before 9 am for my 10 am exam so the rush inside the house was unexplainable. I woke my mom and said, in a R2D2 way, 'I'm late.' She was quick in getting the thought and prepared whatever she needs to prepare. But I'm already prepared, a little. I just reminded her about 'the stuff' that we need to donate for our M&F Class.
25 minutes before 10 am, I was flipping through bundles of paper and balancing myself in a wobbly train. Argh. Headache. Goods of marriage. Fudge. Who's the other writer? Wait. I think I know that person near the sliding door. School Station. Run!
Good. That was fast..I'm feeling dizzy. I came, in the middle of a discussion, 5-10 minutes late.
Superman: Recitation?
Seatmate 1: Yes, no more exams.
Seatmate 2: Postponed.
Superman: Really? Nice. Thank Go..
Teacher: We'll have the exam around 10:30 so let's do this fast.
The exam was fine. If I was given a little more time to review, I could've ace it.
Little Voice: That's always your excuse! Fcuk you! You never learn!
With my co-officers slash 2 classmates, we rushed to the other building for the preparation of an Organization's General Assembly..and for rehearsing a dance. GAH. Great. The venue was so cold, I could live there forever. Weak spot: Place me somewhere cold or really chilly and I'll be yours forever. Or maybe not.
Lunchtime: Going out of the building was horrible! The sun was 12 inches away from us. I feel like I was a Roasted Chicken. C'mon, bite me!
*Tab shift: Facebook. ACCEPTED! Smiles widely*
The program started around 2 am, 1 hour short. There was..well, a few people. Yeeee- Not. Happiness was short lived.
Lo and behold as minutes started to pile up and so are the spectators. I'm losing the sight of empty seats. Pressure! I DON'T dance (ANYMORE) and I'll just make a fool out of myself. 101% sure. I just went out of the large room to breath, share jokes and talk non-stop. I do this when I'm nervous. I'm happy and I'm smiling because I feel something special about. END.
"I want to say sorry to all the people outside the room. I was a funny/non-funny chatterbox and I was tensed. I kept on joking and joking and joking [Repeat until 3:30 pm]."
I changed my uniform into my long-sleeved semi-formal dancing Taiwanese/Japanese/Whatevernese look. Whatever look I was aiming for..bulls eye! High5! Then I wait. Practice. Wait. Not yet? Practice some more. 'Get inside!' I was laughing on what was happening in the middle of the room. Hilarious.
'So for our next portion, our organization prepared something something...."
Heart beats 9157829178 times per second. Whew! Time to unshine!
Superman: GUYS, LET'S DO THIS!
I danced. We danced. Blah. I acted. We acted. At least, I've been part of the F4. LOL The messy part within the group. :))
I, with my bag, rushed outside exactly after my part. I fled the building then to the wobbly and steamy train. Argh. Sweat, sweat and more sweat. My feet was aching and I feel like shit so I went home first.
BTW: The only food that I ate, as of 5:00 pm were 1 fries, 1 sundae, 1 banana. 2 gulps of water? [My rule: Do not eat before performing/hosting/bluffing. If the event is at midnight..then do not eat the whole day! Scary Rule.]
Headache. I took a bath and changed. Rest for a few minutes and said unnoticeably to my mom: "This polo is cool but I had a hard time fixing this part right here. A girl in the org helped me with this. She was cute and she was Chi-" WTH. WHAT DID I JUST SAY? I was never open to my Mom with this kind of stuff. So yeah, that was a little awkward. Packed my lunch and a few chips then off I go to my friend's house to celebrate in advance another friend's birthday and to look forward to eating my late lunch.
Stuffed train: I even bumped to the girl in front of me. Just so you know, I didn't mean it. Breezy space shuttle in the form of a tricycle. That was fast don't have change for a hundred? I was crazy for saying that so the driver punched me in the head. Of course not.
The familiar music room was heavenly. My friends were in a you-guys-look-like-past-drunk-but-really-mellow state. They were kind of different. Rowdy was nowhere to be found but the state was cool. I'm already in the cooling down stage. Thank you God. I ate rice for the first time in this day (6:00 pm). Then chips and cake. A cup of beer? What was that that you let me drink? Grape juice mix with..? Then watched television because our Chinese friend = the biggest fan of the ending Korean? version of F4. YES! IT DIDN'T STOP. EVEN IN MY FRIEND'S PLACE: F4 WANTED ME TO LEARN THEIR WAYS IN A WE'LL-NEVER-LEAVE-YOU-UNTIL-YOU-LEARN-OUR-MUSIC-OR-CULTURE-OR-WHATEVER-STUFF-YOU-NEED-TO-LEARN WAY! No, I'm Canadian. Dig it!
A few left so I was with buddy 6 and the owner of the house as we drank 1 bottle of..I forgot. It was not beer but it tasted like Robitussin. Spell check! We watched her debut and I was her last dance..those were the days where I had a bigtime crush on her. I don't care on what I'm writing anymore. I'm just thankful because I was her last dance. Seeing myself, I wanted a rewind. No, not in tv but in reality. But there's no remote. You are so selfish Adam Sandler!
We went home with a tummy ache and a bit skeptical cause we still have an invitation to drink. Another common friend is celebrating in Katipunan! (Actually, my org is also celebrating for the success of the EspaƱa!) To go or not to go? Message sent! We didn't. We were tired, I was really really tired and it's almost 10 pm. I was alone after the main station in the fine train. After 3 train rides, the 4th and last ride was..I have no more adjectives..hmmm..but it was thought-provoking, delightful and just fine. There, I still have a few.
This is my most vulnerable and longest shiznit in this journal. I really feel that this day is significant. Reason?
GUT FEEL! LOL I still don't know..but I will read this again after a few days/weeks and hopefully, I would know.
August 18, 2009
Wear a smile
How can you maintain that smile if you don't like what you're doing?
Pause. Rewind. Where's the play button???
Yesterday, I ditched my last class with my two friends. We ate and we ate and we ate some more..and a little more. We're happily broke after eating.
Story-telling, not prostitution, is the oldest profession in this entire universe according to a Filipino journalist. It was a feel good experience. Less stress or no stress at all. No doodling in the armchair/random paper, no monotonously sitting for 3 straight hours and I'm not pretending that I'm listening..'cause I was really listening with the throw and flow of words.
Light discussions = Kitkat. Only for conversations, you can eat it for hours and hours..and it's damn free!
Pause. Rewind. Where's the play button???
Yesterday, I ditched my last class with my two friends. We ate and we ate and we ate some more..and a little more. We're happily broke after eating.
Story-telling, not prostitution, is the oldest profession in this entire universe according to a Filipino journalist. It was a feel good experience. Less stress or no stress at all. No doodling in the armchair/random paper, no monotonously sitting for 3 straight hours and I'm not pretending that I'm listening..'cause I was really listening with the throw and flow of words.
Light discussions = Kitkat. Only for conversations, you can eat it for hours and hours..and it's damn free!
August 16, 2009
August 5, 2009
Ironic. I made the right choice.

It has been days since I've been glued to our yellow-filled television..even if it means postponing my thesis tasks. I feel like my heart is stimulated more than my mind is. Of eulogies, interviews and tears..
Acceptance. The 10 letter word which is not only given to you but must also come from you. I was talking to this word last Monday as I was going home from school. Psycho. On why I'm having a hard time dealing with it.
11:40 this morning, a friend sent a group message (with an inside joke maybe only the 6 of us will understand and this is because of other circumstances..not really connected with former President Cory Aquino's death):
Dahil sa pagkamatay ni Cory, maraming nagbago:
Friend 1 ay nagkaasawa ng OFW
Friend 2 ay nilibing si Win
Friend 3 ay nagdadasal
Friend 4 ay nag-MMCA
Friend 5 ay nagpagupit
I chuckled. I was friend 3. Imperceptibly connected.
'So Filipino'..and I like it.
August 2, 2009
Look who's talking
Just look. Before you rant, point out flaws, or even be furious over the work. Just look.
Gimme my contact lens.
Hate it when a simple coffee accidentally spills over the table. No matter how hard you clean it, even if it's squeaky spotless clean already, the very idea that you spill the coffee immediately puts 'stupid' over your resume or the totality of your existence. Specially if the one who's reading your resume thinks that he/she has an IQ of 250,000.
Yesterday, I was talking loudly with my seatmate. I really didn't notice that until my classmates started shhh-ing me. Huw. I can't hear myself. I'm down at the dumps. Goodbye rapping career. Good thing Nicole and Eric Hutchinson save me. :D
Ok it's alright with me
some things are just meant to be
it never comes easily
and when it does I'm already gone
I'm practic'lly never still
more likely to move until
I end up alone at will
my life continues inching along
Gimme my contact lens.
Hate it when a simple coffee accidentally spills over the table. No matter how hard you clean it, even if it's squeaky spotless clean already, the very idea that you spill the coffee immediately puts 'stupid' over your resume or the totality of your existence. Specially if the one who's reading your resume thinks that he/she has an IQ of 250,000.
Yesterday, I was talking loudly with my seatmate. I really didn't notice that until my classmates started shhh-ing me. Huw. I can't hear myself. I'm down at the dumps. Goodbye rapping career. Good thing Nicole and Eric Hutchinson save me. :D
Ok it's alright with me
some things are just meant to be
it never comes easily
and when it does I'm already gone
I'm practic'lly never still
more likely to move until
I end up alone at will
my life continues inching along
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