Officially, it hasn't ended yet but I am concluding that the last part was TOXIC. Toxhit. Not talkshit. Just bigtime toxic.
I passed my own hard exam regarding my '19 to-do-shiznits before turning 20' and I really freakin' cheatless pass. Because of the bonus. Without the bonus, I still pass! Silly. 10 out of 19. Woohoo! I want to strip butt naked and run around in Gateway then ride the MRT and go to Glorietta! And shout: 'F you all shoppers! This is my proof that I'm teenager no more. Suck my d*ck!' Mature enough.
Not successful with the getting hardcore drunk to the point where I wake up and I wouldn't remember anything. Tsk. I want to really really experience that. I've been drunk a lot of times and all I got was a hardcore headache. [ is playing Boys Like Girls' Love Drunk. *facepalm*] Booze keeps my eyes wide awake and coffee makes me heavy-eyed. I am NOT kidding. I even share the same abnormality with my professor.
(This should be another blog but whatever.)
Don't Hate, Appreciate:
I was able to watch, illegally-pirated-downloaded, 3 films.
'The Hangover'
S.T.: Hangover the Musical
This is a wacky movie. There were just a lot of background music which suddenly pop out. Around 2 or 3. Good thing: the music used were 2009-ish.
Alan Garner: Haha! Drivin' drunk. Classic.
'I Love You, Man'
S.T.: I Love You, Manwhore
Quite witty. Funny. I like the name of the dog. It was so memorable that I forgot. I remember the face though.
Sydney Fife: Good. Now gently remove your tampon and try again.
'X-Men Origins: Wolverine'
S.T.: X-Men Origins: Die! *Roar* Dieeee!
Everyone just dies. But I absolutely like the action scenes. MOOOREEE! Midget Logan always gets the hot chicks. Boo.
Logan: My whole life I felt like an animal. Then she came along.
Clark Kent: *Bursts into laughter*
Cool movies.
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