2. I tried the 'Most Used Word on Facebook Wall Posts' application. And my Number 1 word is: SCHOOL. WTH. Why not just put NERD or GEEK?
2. My favorite fast food chain with one of my favorite..words! *Tumblr

4. As what Ate She puts this.. 'My Scarlet Family.' Taken by Arkitrato.

5. 4CA1 Christmas Parteeeh @ Meng's crib y'all!
6. I thought we'll be spending New Year at the airport but my uncle/aunt/cousins' arrival, which was originally scheduled on the 1st of January, was moved tomorrow. In a few minutes.
7. Anonymous says 'Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts.'
Supahman says '\m/'
I suddenly thought of my friends the other way around - mostly nuts and less diabetic!8. I think I'll be changing my url to supahmanwithsupahwashboardabs. LOL My only two goal this Christmas vacation is to gain weight and finish the school assignments / eat everything & finish everything.
9. Happy New Year! Its supah2010!
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