Tsk. S-p-o-i-l-e-d, a-t-t-e-n-t-i-o-n c-r-a-v-e-r and s-e-m-i c-r-u-e-l, I know! He is slowly learning to read so I need to use this hyphen technique to confuse him.
Plus, he wants this blog's url to be changed to iammightytoby.blogspot.com since he feels that most of my posts are 'Toby-centric.'
On the upper right part of the photo is Toby meticulously planning a tactic on how he can sniff Puppy's butt. His body is hidden from Puppy's view but his head is all out showing sign of his presence. F-A-I-L
'Para san yan?'
*♫ ..never gonna dance again..guilty feet have got no rhythm.. ♫*
Cousin set this up beside his bed and it stood there untouched and totally unused. 'Eh bat may red bandana ditooooo!?'
My 2nd favorite spot every morning. Could have been first if there was internet connection. And maybe burgers, gold bars and..you. Heh. Baduy.
Holds history - from great great (times 173621563) grandparents passed on to my grandparents and then passed on to my mother (parents). So she is left with two you're-doomed! choices in the future..ME OR MY BROTHER. *insert The Day The Earth Stood Still BG music*
Part of the responsibility is to get 2 or 3 people to change Mater Dolorosa's clothes to a sleek black-purple one. The heavy clothes are kept under her doll house/box but it's a serious task since it involves nails, hammers and a lot of muscle-flexing. And then there's also food preparation for 70+ people, checking and changing of light bulbs, etc.
So every Holy Week (esp Holy Friday), the only possible statuses are - busy/dnd/afk/..invisible to everyone (if you're due two more movies to watch).
Part of the responsibility is to get 2 or 3 people to change Mater Dolorosa's clothes to a sleek black-purple one. The heavy clothes are kept under her doll house/box but it's a serious task since it involves nails, hammers and a lot of muscle-flexing. And then there's also food preparation for 70+ people, checking and changing of light bulbs, etc.
So every Holy Week (esp Holy Friday), the only possible statuses are - busy/dnd/afk/..invisible to everyone (if you're due two more movies to watch).
When there were still no laptop/dvds/burger machine, I kill time by playing my grandparent's piano pieces. I can even play 'Apple bottom jeans jeans boots with a fur, with a fur' before. lol. My favorite piece was 'Blue Moon' because I can have a trio with my mother and my uncles/aunt. Now, the only two pieces that I can play right off the top of my head are 'Snake Dance' and 'Happy Birthday.' Very Pre-Kindergarten.
Right above the piano is a scenic collage (hehe) of my relatives' college graduation photos. My mother (lower left) finished Commerce and Business Administration. At the bottom is their youngest brother, my uncle who is a generous priest. And fyi, one of my grandmother's sisters is a nun. THAT'S WHY! I grew up so pious, faithful and lies-free. :)
This terrace is quite filthy now and steels were placed to avoid crooks and stray cats. But still spacious that it can hold 20+ people for partaaays! It's also a perfect spot to do some clearing-of-clouded-mind shit or to find a signal for your Globe phone.
One afternoon while my grandfather, mother and cousin were sleeping in their own room and everyone else were out of the house, I decided to release my burning creativity and lame-blurry talent in photography. Click here, click there..
Going upstairs, I accidentally clicked the shutter button and got this photo.
Me: FUDGE. *shivers*
Shivers? Haha. Kid. This is me with my Invisibitlity power. Semi-True Story.
Going upstairs, I accidentally clicked the shutter button and got this photo.
Me: FUDGE. *shivers*
Shivers? Haha. Kid. This is me with my Invisibitlity power. Semi-True Story.